A Gorgeous Day for Painting

“”February Ice – Norwood Beach” — plein air field study in oil on wood panel 3 x 16″ by Margie Guyot

Finally! A sunny day, about 40 degrees! While some of the eastern US was being hammered, my friend Lori and I decided to get out and paint. We knew it’d be extra windy (= cold!) down at the beach, so we bundled up with lots of layers: longjohns, wool socks and sweaters, wind-breakers, heavy down coats and boots. In fact, we were almost too hot! Our legs were so “swaddled”, it was difficult to lift our feet up to get into my truck!

Why stop at just one? Here’s a second painting I did at Norwood.

“Ice Breakup – Norwood Beach” — plein air field study in oil on wood panel 8×10″ by Margie Guyot

Painting in a stiff wind and blinding sunlight gets exhausting, so we decided to call it quits for the day, come back to my house for some soup. On the drive home we saw 2 bald eagles feasting on a roadkill possum on the road. I managed to get a shot with my little point & shoot:

It wasn’t long before I felt bad about wasting such a gorgeous day, so I bundled up again and trudged through the snow out to my favorite spot in back of my studio. I love the shadow patterns falling across the snow. The creek’s frozen over at the moment. Lots of deer tracks! I scared up a ruffed grouse on my way back there.

“Frozen Creek/Deer Tracks” — plein air field study in oil on wood panel 8 x 10″ by Margie Guyot


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